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Víctor Vélez-Marroquín

Researcher and Professor in Animal Production, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

I´m Veterinarian and zootechnician, Master in animal husbandry at UNALM - Peru. Master in animal production at UPV - Spain
PhD student in animal science at UPV - Spain.
I am a researcher and professor in animal production, in the highlands institute of the National University of San Marcos in Peru.
I am interested in studying the effect of livestock on climate change.
My research is in the mountains of the Andes in South America. I´m am studying the emission of methane in different ecological scenarios and with different diets in ruminants and camelids.


  • –present
    Researcher and Professor in Animal Production, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


  • 1996 
    UNiversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Animal Husbandry