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Lecturer in Marketing, University of Edinburgh

To date, my research has focused on brand narratives, value-creation, arts marketing and cultural management, religious and spiritual consumption, macromarketing, institutional change and the legitimization of discourse and practice. As a Venezuelan national and having lived and worked in Brazil, I am interested in emerging markets and much of my work examines social and consumer phenomena from the Global South, including the rich context of religiosity. This context led to my most recent research funding (BA Leverhulme Small Research Grant), which allowed me to travel to Brazil in 2019 to explore the phenomenon of spirit possession. As well as specialising in arts marketing and religious/spiritual consumption, I also have a keen interest in Grounded Theory, Constructivism and introspective research methodologies, including autoethnography and the poetic method. I have already published my work in highly ranked ABS* journals, including the Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) and European Journal of Marketing (EJM), and regularly present my work at international marketing and management conferences. I am a full Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK).


  • –present
    Lecturer Marketing and Retail, University of Stirling