Wayne Boardman is a dedicated wildlife veterinarian and conservationist. After qualifying from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, Wayne worked for five years in mixed practice in England and New Zealand, before taking up a new position as Veterinary officer at Auckland Zoo. During this time, he worked closely with the Department of Conservation as veterinary clinician for their endangered species programs. Following a period as veterinarian at Perth Zoo, he then worked as Senior Lecturer in Wildlife Medicine at Massey University, NZ a joint posting between the university and the Department of Conservation developing systems and standards for endangered species like Kakapo and Takahe. A period as Senior veterinarian at Taronga Zoo, Sydney was followed by consultancy work in Cambodia training wildlife veterinarians. He then spent nearly three years in Uganda capacity building for the Jane Goodall Institute and the World Bank working with species such as chimpanzees and mountain gorillas. After a short wildlife consultancy in China, he became Head of Veterinary Services for the Zoological Society of London. During this period he ran and participated in training courses in wildlife health in several countries in Africa and Asia. In 2006, he took up a position as Head of Veterinary Conservation Programs at the Royal Zoological Society of South Australia before joining the School of Animal and Veterinary Science in 2011.