Dr Brownlie is the project manager of the GEF/UNEP-UKCEH Towards Sustainable Phosphorus Cycles in Lake Catchments (Up-Cycle) project. Up-Cycle will bring together the global lake management and sustainable phosphorus management communities, to develop and test a sustainable phosphorus management framework in Chile. Dr Brownlie was the project manager of the Our Phosphorus Future (OPF) project, consolidating global scientific evidence to raise awareness and support policy development related to phosphorus (funded by NERC, ESPP & UNEP). He is the lead editor of the OPF report and designed its multimedia (www.opfglobal.com). He is part of the project coordination unit of the GEF/UNEP-UKCEH International Nitrogen Management System (INMS) project; a science-policy support process leading global policymakers in sustainable nitrogen management. He is managing co-editor of the INMS International Nitrogen Assessment report and is developing the INMS Nitrogen Management Measures Database and its supporting guidance document.
Dr Brownlie provides expert advice and commentary on nutrient sustainability issues to the United Nations in various capacities. He has delivered keynote speeches at multiple international conferences and meetings, including COP27 and the 4th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit.