William Kurth is a Research Scientist in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Iowa where he has been a member of the Radio and Plasma Wave group since 1979 upon the completion of his Ph.D. in physics. His research focuses on plasma waves in space plasmas in planetary magnetospheres and the solar wind as well as solar system radio astronomy. He has done extensive work on electron cyclotron harmonic emissions at Earth and each of the giant gas planets. He has studied auroral kilometric radiation at Earth and nonthermal radio emissions at Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. He discovered low-frequency heliospheric radio emissions that are generated beyond the heliopause in interstellar space. He is an investigator on several space missions such as Voyager, Cassini, Juno, and Van Allen Probes.
NASA Outstanding Public Leadership Medal, University of Iowa Distinguished Research Professional Award, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, NASA Silver Achievement Medal