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Articles on Arundhati Roy

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Dutchbar Batticaloa in eastern Sri Lanka was decimated by the 2004 tsunami. It fell under a newly created 200m buffer zone set up to protect people. But it destroyed fishing communities. Chris Young - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images

‘Building back better’ may seem like a noble idea. But caution is needed

There is a need to be alive to tensions between short- and long-term objectives, as well as the assumptions we hold around what we consider to be “better” and how to achieve it.
Arundhati Roy’s activism has made her a longtime target of the Indian government. In this 2002 file photo, Roy celebrates after being released from Tihar Jail in New Delhi. The Supreme Court found Roy guilty of criminal contempt of court and sentenced her to a day of “symbolic imprisonment.” (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

Novelist Arundhati Roy and her mission to inspire in the Ministry of Utmost Happiness

Award-winning author Arundhati Roy’s activism has made her a longtime target of the Indian government. At a recent Toronto event, she received a standing ovation as she read from her new novel.

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