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Articles on Emigration

Displaying 1 - 20 of 32 articles

Muslim pilgrims go through passport control in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on June 5, 2022, prior to the annual Hajj pilgrimage in the holy city of Mecca. Amer Hilabi/AFP via Getty Images

New passport rankings show that the world is opening up – but not for everyone

A passport from the United Arab Emirates will get you into far more destinations than one from Afghanistan. Gaps like this have big implications for people’s ability to travel, reside and work.
People who fled the war in Ukraine rest inside an indoor gymnasium being used as a refugee centre in the village of Medyka, a border crossing between Poland and Ukraine, on March 15, 2022. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

How Russia is trying to stoke anti-Ukrainian sentiment in eastern EU countries

The European Union is once again faced with the danger of destabilization. Putin’s cyberwar on free societies using the migration crisis went well in 2015. He must not succeed now in Poland or beyond.
The beefed up border between Bulgaria and Turkey. Stefan Rousseau PA Archive

Do we all have a right to cross borders?

In an unequal, globalised world, should we be able to move between states as freely as we can within them?

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