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Articles on Zionists

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Police in riot gear formed a line to face student protesters at the University of Calgary campus on May 9, 2024. The university said protesters were trespassing and asked for help from police to disperse the groups. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Noah Korver

Student protests: How the university perpetuates colonial violence on campus

Recent student protests are attempts to humanize the Palestinians in desperate need of a ceasefire. Students deserve a dignity-affirming dialogue, not the continued use of police brutality.
It’s been 75 years since Palestinians were first expelled from their homeland. Here, people from Tantura as they were relocated to Jordan, June 1948. (Benno Rothenberg/Meitar Collection/National Library of Israel/The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection)

Will a UN resolution to commemorate the expulsion of Palestinians from their lands change the narrative? — Listen

The UN’s resolution to recognize Nakba Day on May 15, to mark the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in 1948, helps to acknowledge past traumas but does the resolution have other implications?

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