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The drugs don’t work. But a swifter way of identifying bacteria could reduce the need for antibiotics. AAP

Teasing out harmful bacterial genes to reduce resistance to antibiotics

Researchers have taken the first step towards designing a rapid way of identifying harmful bacteria in infections, demonstrating the potential for faster patient treatment and decreased reliance on antibiotics…
Paul says exit stage left. Yui Mok/PA

(There must be) 50 ways to leave the EU

In the event that an in-out referendum on UK membership of the EU is held in 2017, and a majority of voters opt to leave, what process would need to be followed to secure the UK’s exit? The question is…
Chapelcross, Scotland: decisions over our future sources of energy won’t wait until the cows come home. Magnox Sites Ltd

Nuclear subsidies: a gamble on the price of gas

Providing power to the nation is no small task. It requires considerable forward planning, involves huge costs and considerable risks. More risk and cost, in fact, than most energy providers can stomach…
Many of us love helium balloons but we need to find and conserve more for use in MRI scanners. PA/Matthew Fearn

We’ll all be worse off when the helium balloon pops

Helium is God’s gift to humankind. It’s particularly fantastic for science and medicine and has allowed us to make an enormous number of fundamental advances. We use it for a whole vast array of things…
Sorry captain, I thought the big red button made it go faster. PA/Andy Buchanan

Trident: time to rethink Britain’s nuclear future

The Coalition government is pressing ahead with a long, expensive and controversial programme to replace the Trident nuclear weapon system beginning with the procurement of a new fleet of submarines armed…
Not so super now. The end may be nigh for Staphylococcus aureus. Wikipedia

Gold, silver and lasers: new weapons for the superbug war

Antibiotics have probably saved more lives than any other form of medication. Prior to their development, things that we now consider trivial, such as a prick from a rose bush or a sore throat, could easily…
An estimated 30-50% of food produced worldwide is wasted, and ends up only fit for the birds. Owen Humphreys/PA Wire

Food waste: beyond fridge guilt to a sustainable system

The food system is perhaps the most vital component of our modern industrialised world. Without food in shops, it’s fair to say society would unravel in a matter of days. The food industry is in many ways…
Making power-hungry datacentres like these more energy efficient is vital. Schlüsselbein2007/Flickr

Your next computer can be any colour, so long as it’s green

Do you have a computer on a desk somewhere? Fans whirring, screensaver flickering, left on for days. Would you leave your washing machine running for days? Because over time, a desktop computer draws on…
Smash the system, not traffic lights. flikr/bobaliciouslondon

Why aren’t unemployed young people rioting in the streets?

A fifth of Britain’s young people are out of work; how long before they snap? The International Labour Organisation has recently issued warnings about possible youth unrest in the future, as young people…
Plotting an escape from the naughty step. Carl Court/PA Archive/Press Association Images

No reason to panic over China’s cold shoulder

Recent news that David Cameron has been placed on the naughty step by China after his meeting with the Dalai Lama caused much concern in UK business circles. Reports suggested the Chinese sovereign wealth…
Medicine residues that we flush down the toilet can affect fish and other wildlife. Chris Ison/PA

Popping pills can harm wildlife via a trip to the loo

It’s not a thought that occurs to most of us, but flushing the toilet doesn’t just mean disposing of our bodily waste. We’re also flushing away some of the medicine we take down with it. Our contraceptive…
David Cameron meets nurses during an NHS tour but the government doesn’t want to introduce mandatory staffing levels. PA

Finding the golden ratio for hospital nurses

Senior nurses warned this week that the number of patients looked after by nurses has become dangerously high in some hospitals. Quoting research from the University of Southampton, the Safe Staffing Alliance…
The convictions of Asian sex-grooming gangs have thrown social work into the spotlight. PA/Peter Byrne

Integrated health and social care could help victims of abuse

The conviction of seven men for rape, child prostitution and trafficking in Oxford on Tuesday brings to an end another horrific case of child sexual exploitation. Social services were again in the firing…
Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station: carbon markets are supposed to be effective, not just hot air. PA/David Davies

Is this the end of carbon trading, or just a hiccup?

Just as scientists almost universally agree greenhouse gases contribute to the planet’s changing climate, economists almost universally agree the problem is made worse because polluters don’t pay for the…
Worrying about ageing is a waste of your time. Faith K Lefever

If you want to live longer, do nothing

I want to live longer and help others do the same. I assumed the most effective way to do that is by understanding the science of ageing and then engineering solutions to extend human lifespan. That is…
Dad? Hans S

Are you a Viking? Yes, but so is everyone else

In our lab we have a phone that rings several times a day. The conversation is always the same. A man from somewhere in the UK is desperate to know the answer to one question: “Am I a Viking?” An answer…
MOOC graduates would throw their laptops in the air instead. Chris Ison/PA

MOOCs or campus? In the future, you choose

A napster moment; the end of boring lectures; a tipping point. These are all common responses to the emergence of MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses. Now, simply using a laptop or iPad, hundreds of thousands…