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Articles on Digital economy

Displaying 321 - 340 of 812 articles

China’s top smartphone maker has its sights on global dominance. World Leaks

Why Apple should watch out with Xiaomi smartphones about

Xiaomi might still sound a bit foreign to you, but the Chinese smartphone manufacturer is now the third largest in the world and the largest in China. And they are largely building their market share by…
I want that one, or do I? Maclauren70

Choosing who provides your care is empowering but only if you know how

Many governments are going to great lengths to provide better information about the quality of health and social care services. In the US, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid recently announced a raft…
Many governments are realising high-growth tech companies have the keys to their country’s economic future. Peter Dasilva/EPA/AAP

We need to put high-growth tech companies on the G20 agenda

The world was a very different place in December 1999 when the first G20 met in Berlin. Steve Jobs had just taken back the reins at Apple, but Facebook, Google, Twitter and the dot-com bust were figments…
Internet access to the cloud wants to be free. phloxii/Shutterstock

Internet services: use public money to help everyone benefit

In the developed world, internet access is getting close to saturation point throughout the population, with the proportion of those online in many countries in the West approaching 80% for fixed broadband…
Big Data also has an eye on the game. intelfreepress

Big data’s arrival in sport is changing the rules of the game

In sport we don’t just want to know who won. We now want to know how to replicate success and then improve on it. And to do this, we’re using data – and lots of it. The field of “big data” analytics has…
A digital childhood is no longer unusual. MNStudio/Shutterstock

At what age should we put babies on a digital media diet?

A recent New York Times article points to a glaring inconsistency between the amount of “screen time” toddlers have using tablets, phones and computers – and the advice of many early years specialists…
“Mr Page? Mr Brin? Phone call for you.” “Not now, we’re busy innovating.” ZouZou/Shutterstock

Silicon Valley tech giants: real innovators or spoilt rich kids?

According to TechRepublic, Google produced two of the five worst tech products of 2009 – Android 1.0 and Google Wave. The fact that Google remains dominant suggests that, while not infallible, it’s rich…
Don’t look a big data gift horse in the mouth. Horse graphic by Yganko/Shutterstock

Is big data heading for its ‘horsemeat moment’?

There have been so many leaks, hacks and scares based on misuse or misappropriation of personal data that any thought that “big data” could provide benefits rather than only opportunities for harm may…
Mario Balotelli was recently the victim of racist online abuse. Peter Byrne/PA Wire

Stamping out racism in sport means social media too

According to figures from the Home Office, only 42 arrests were made for “racial or indecent chanting” at English football matches during the 2012-13 season. Considering that the total number of attendees…
Too much to ask. wavebreakmedia/shutterstock

Was egg-freezing a perk too far from Facebook and Apple?

Facebook and Apple have come under fire since it was revealed that their female employees are offered financial help for egg-freezing fertility treatment. But the offer is part of a slew of medical and…

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