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Articles on Digital economy

Displaying 681 - 700 of 812 articles

A scan of a 380million-year-old tooth from a fossil shark found at Gogo, Western Australia, showing internal canals and other features. Tim Senden

Resurrecting dinosaurs with medical scanners and 3D printers

Accurate copies of fossilised bones can now be made from the combined use of computed tomography (CT) scans and 3D printers, according to a paper published today in the journal Radiology. The technique…
The media regulator ACMA has been able to do little about breaches to the broadcasting guidelines, and is calling for greater mid-strength powers. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Be careful what you ask for: ACMA’s bid for more power

A media super-regulator, bigger and bolder than anything considered by the ALP? Or just an ambitious government agency engaged in street theatre as the Coalition slashes the public service? Those are questions…
Sgt Barclays reporting for duty. Dunechaser

It is vital that our banks score well in cyber war games

A war gaming exercise began in London recently to test financial institutions’ effectiveness against a range of simulated attacks from cyberspace. It was called Waking Shark II, which sounds very exciting…
Changing ways educational organisations use film content in learning environments could see major changes in the way film producers are paid for their copyright. Public Record Office Victoria

Copyrights and copywrongs: reforming educational film rights

At the end of November, after 18 months of deliberations, the Australian Law Reform Commission will hand down its report on the appropriateness of existing copyright laws in the new digital environment…
David Jones has seen online sales grow 1000% since launching its omnichannel strategy, but online sales still only represent 1% of total sales. AAP/Jeremy Piper

Australian retailers online: late to the party and much to do

Australian consumers are embracing digital commerce, but Australian retailers are failing to build long-term relationships with their customers online, according to new research. More than 50% of Australians…
Let me be clear. Because you’ll not be able to Google this later. Department for Culture Media and Sport

Tories forget how the internet works, deletegate reminds them

The 1996 election campaign that brought Bill Clinton to the White House fundamentally changed the way campaigns are run in more ways than one. Clinton’s success owed much to the genius of James Carville…
New Daily editor-in-chief Bruce Guthrie brings a wealth of experience, but will it be enough to support a free, general news publication in a crowded market? AAP/Julian Smith

The hits and misses of journalism’s New Daily

From more than one perspective the New Daily, Australia’s latest online news provider, couldn’t have a better chance of survival. With Bruce Guthrie (ex-Herald Sun and Age editor) as editor-in-chief, Daniel…
Protestors picket the last round of Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations in Malaysia, as concerns about secrecy and the agreement’s contents grow. EPA/Azhar Rahim

Regional trade pact puts Australia in ‘absurd’ position, say experts

The public’s intellectual property rights will continue to be impeded if Australia signs on to the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement as it stands, according to copyright and patent experts following…
Online, businesses are fuelled by a different set of economic forces than those that exist purely offline. x-ray delta one/Flickr

Why there’s no Pepsi® in cyberspace

The world of big business is littered with once popular but now discarded household names like Kodak, Borders and Blockbuster. In this disruptive forces series we find out who might be next, uncovering…
Egg on face? Don’t look so surprised. Anirbas_84

Obamacare web fiasco won’t be the last big IT fail – the web-based manifestation of Obamacare – launched last month to numerous and widely-publicised problems including long wait times, corrupted data and nonfunctional buttons. Although…
Small emerging firms could benefit from bypassing venture capitalists and investment banks and crowd funding their initial start-up capital, if Australian regulators make similar changes to those proposed by the SEC in the US. James Cridland

Equity crowdfunding could help Australian firms fill capital gap

Last month the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States released a proposal that paves the way for “equity crowdfunding”. Unlike existing crowd-funding platforms such as Kickstarter…
Perhaps macaques would like Angry Birds too? Jerome Micheletta, University of Portsmouth

Touch screens help monkeys relax

Zoos are great places to study animals. The non-human primates among them get the most attention from researchers. Some of them are trained to interact with computers for psychological research. In a new…
Public IT projects like Melbourne’s myki come in over-budget and far behind schedule, if at all, often because contacts are based on specific technology, not how it will be used. Richard Jones/Flickr

Badly designed contracts doom public IT projects to failure

Governments have never been more keen to leverage information technology for public projects, but their track record isn’t particularly good. In Victoria, myki has been branded a “disaster from touch on…
Programme makers are wary of turning off viewers with climate change. Till Krech

We’ve woken up to climate change but we’re not tuning in

A report from the International Broadcasting Trust has argued that more investment should be made to get environmental issues covered on television. Environment on TV is based on interviews with people…
Tesco is no longer content with just knowing what’s in your basket. SFB579

Why too much privacy is bad for the economy

Tesco, a British grocer with global status, has this week teamed up with Alan Sugar’s Amscreen to take personalised advertising to the next level. By means of Amscreen’s proprietary facial recognition…
The start of something beautiful? Garrett Heath

Twitter frenzy could generate another tech bubble

During the past few years, a strange evening ritual has begun to spring up around the City of London. Instead of heading to the local pub with their colleagues, city workers are flocking to cocktail parties…
BlackBerry smartphones, nice but too late. Achmad Ibrahim/AP

BlackBerry #fail shows perpetual dilemma of tech innovators

It is now well known that successful companies often have an annoying habit of missing the next big thing. Harvard’s Clayton Christensen coined it the innovator’s dilemma. He also produced advice on how…

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