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Articles on Digital economy

Displaying 641 - 660 of 812 articles

Your water-cooler moment 2.0. 'Pong

Twitter matters as science seeks to make a social impact

Scientists are increasingly turning to social media to publicise their research. While some see Twitter and Facebook as a bit of fun, others find online tools are becoming integral to their work. In an…
The backlash against state surveillance is growing stronger by the day. ubiquit

A digital rights bill means nothing without basic state compliance

More than 500 high-profile names, including authors, musicians and five Nobel laureates, have signed a petition to the United Nations calling for a bill of digital rights to be developed in the wake of…
Grubby, mean and out for your ideas. Patent trolls are on the prowl. kewl

Tinkering with the law won’t stop patent trolls

For a country that has long been a staunch defender of intellectual property rights, the US has struggled in recent years to get to grips with the menace of a new breed of patent holders, pejoratively…
If successful, electronic voting poses a serious threat to the great British queue. Ruth W

Digital voting is a game changer but we have to get it right

The UK may be taking its first, tentative steps towards introducing online voting with the establishment of a Commission on Digital Democracy. As so many of our routine tasks are going digital, the shift…
Games like Minecraft can be retooled to be used for spatial math puzzles, proportions, spacing and creativity, but do all games have the same educational value? Dean Groom/Flickr

Edu-games hit the market, but not all are are created equal

The re-purposing of video games as learning tools continues to gather pace with the recent release of high-profile educational incarnations of games like SimCity and Minecraft. Different educational games…
Chin up, mate, there’s money to be made. marsmet473a

Cybersecurity isn’t all about doom and gloom

Much is made in the press of the devastating effects that weak cybersecurity is having on the economy in the UK and globally. We regularly see news articles about companies having their secrets stolen…
Businesses, government organisations and individuals are not currently well prepared to take advantage of faster broadband, according to the CSIRO. Flickr/HD Zimmermann

CSIRO report confirms lag in business internet use

Broadband access and coverage may have increased across the country, but businesses aren’t investing in the required skills to facilitate innovation, technology leaders heard today. The launch of the Australian…
New research from the Centre for Broadband Innovation explores what’s required to get more businesses online. Lukas Coch/AAP

Broadband and business: if you build it will they come?

As the debate about the type of broadband infrastructure Australia is investing in rolls on, the really big question concerns the extent to which Australians will benefit from this investment. This is…
You can wait a long time for a postman to show up in the country. amandabhslater

Small businesses think smart to keep up with Amazon drones

The biggest names in internet retail appear to be dramatically stepping up efforts to make delivering your online orders, fast, reliable and extremely hi-tech. But in a week in which Amazon talked up its…
Small but powerful, the BRCK brings the web to those hard to reach places. BRCK

The little black box bringing the internet to Kenya

The BRCK is, in a sense, just like the archetypal little black box. It does what you need and you don’t have to worry about its inner workings. The team developing it has a simple aim – to extend and stabilise…
The Microsoft Kinect, a motion sensor device for the video gaming first released in 2010, is the tip of the iceberg in terms of interactivity, according to researchers at a new social interactive technology lab in Melbourne. EPA/Oliver Berg

Microsoft partners with university but industry collaboration still weak

Microsoft’s research arm will partner with the University of Melbourne to explore how people interact socially with technology. But indicators continue to show Australia trailing other countries in terms…
The big questions in the Snowden saga hinge on who knows what about encryption. Bob Lord

It’s all about cryptography as Rusbridger faces parliament

Despite all the political blustering that has surrounded Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger’s meeting with the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee this week, the real story in the Snowden affair is cryptography…
Amazon worker wraps someone else’s Christmas present. Chris Radburn/PA Wire

Moral outrage at Amazon is cancelled with a click

If there’s any time of year that retail companies fear bad press it’s in the run-up to Christmas, so undercover footage revealing gruelling work conditions which was broadcast last week and the ongoing…
Data protection may soon come at a price. Randomskk

Hard evidence: how much is your data worth to you?

Data privacy is on our minds like never before. In a relatively small amount of time many of us have gone from carrying out our daily transactions in person to conducting them digitally. We pay energy…
Foxtel will compete directly with half owner Telstra when it begins offering telephone and broadband internet services in the next twelve months. Flickr/Bell

Pay TV triple play pits Foxtel in three-legged race with Telstra

Monday’s announcement by Foxtel that it will launch broadband internet and fixed line telephony services bundled with its pay tv services comes as no surprise. The deal, known as a Triple Play, will see…
Yep, looks like you’ve got too many browser windows open. eliz.avery

After the laughter comes a serious role for the SmartWig

Want to move your slide presentation on? Just raise an eyebrow and let your SmartWig flip to the next graph on your behalf. Well, not yet perhaps, but this is one of the ideas behind Sony’s surprising…
Not quite ready for your Christmas orders.

Don’t count on Amazon drone deliveries just yet

Apparently keen to inject a bit of fun into its image after a damaging few weeks of press coverage, online retail giant Amazon has announced that it is experimenting with the use of drones to deliver its…
Bleuurgh, gross! Get it on Facebook quick. Nick Saltmarsh

Pics in the bin, Fridgecam and the digital war on waste

Our awareness of food waste is increasing all the time, yet we continue to throw away vast amounts of produce even when we don’t need to. We are getting tired of being lectured on our habits so its time…
Do you believe in bubbles? David Jones/PA

Looking beyond the headlines shows there is no tech bubble

There has been lots of talk lately of a “tech bubble”. The NASDAQ composite index - a widely observed benchmark of the high-tech sector - last week reached the level of 4000 for the first time since the…

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