A spike in oil prices as a result of escalating Middle East tensions would not immediately affect Australia – but precautionary measures should be taken.
Our planet is undeniably in crisis and desperately needs COP27 to succeed. Without concrete action, we are condemning today’s children to a harsher future.
As one of the few countries to have enshrined net-zero into law, Canada has earned praise for its climate leadership. Yet an independent report calls out its continued failures to reduce emissions.
India is expected to overtake China this decade as the world’s most populous nation. That puts it at the heart of the global challenge to beat climate change.
Sven Teske, University of Technology Sydney and Sarah Niklas, University of Technology Sydney
Keeping global warming under 1.5°C is still achievable with rapid deployment of renewables. A new report found solar and wind can supply the world’s energy demand more than 50 times over.
A global energy authority created a roadmap for the world to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Meanwhile, Australia committed $600 million for a major new gas plant.
It’s said the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. Let’s hope that’s not the case with Mathias Cormann’s climate stance when he joins the OECD.
In the last week the US and China announced goals to reduce emissions by 26-28% and cap emissions by 2030 respectively. India also signalled its aim to end coal imports within 2-3 years. These are telling…
It might sound unlikely, but Australia’s fuel gauge is worryingly low. We’re one of the world’s top energy exporters, but our stocks of liquid fuels – such as the oil on which almost the whole transport…