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Articles on Legislation

Displaying 81 - 88 of 88 articles

President Barack Obama meets with Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell at the Oval Office. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Can Congress build bipartisanship through caucuses?

As deadlines loom large for Congress, is there any hope for avoiding gridlock? A political scientist examines one common, informal way members build relationships across the aisle.
‘As president, I will repeal every word of Obamacare,’ Ted Cruz proclaimed during the Feburary 25 GOP debate. Mike Stone/Reuters

How difficult would it be to repeal Obamacare for good?

The leading GOP candidates all claim one of their top priorities will be to repeal Obamacare. An architect of the original law outlines the thorny – but plausible – path to repeal.
Australian parliaments continue to resist legalising euthanasia or its cousin, assisted suicide. tommaso lizzul/Shutterstock

Why Australia hesitates to legalise euthanasia

The Australian public supports legalising euthanasia and bills are introduced into state parliaments every year. Yet governments continue to resist legalising euthanasia or assisted suicide.
Legislating for commercial surrogacy would enable Australia to overcome concerns about poorly regulated clinics overseas, such as this one in Thailand. EPA/Rungroj Yongrit

Commercial surrogacy in Australia: rethinking notions of ‘natural’

Often emphasised in discussions about children’s best interests is the idea that certain ways of having and raising children are “natural”. For example, this word appears frequently in reference to how…

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