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Articles on Liability

Displaying 21 - 27 of 27 articles

Probes that can transmit electricity inside the skull raise questions about personal autonomy and responsibility. Hellerhoff

It’s not my fault, my brain implant made me do it

Where does responsibility lie if a person acts under the influence of their brain implant? As neurotechnologies advance, a neuroethicist and a legal expert write that now’s the time to hash it out.
A killer’s use of TEC-9 assault pistols convinced Californians to repeal immunity for gunmakers. Then Congress overruled them. Reuters

It’s time to repeal the gun industry’s exceptional legal immunity

Finding solutions for what happened in San Bernardino is a challenge, but ensuring gunmakers behave responsibly should be one piece of the puzzle.
Robots in chains but are they really to blame when AI does something wrong? maxuser

Who’s to blame when artificial intelligence systems go wrong?

There is much debate on the ethics of artificial intelligence machines that are designed to kill. But who’s responsible when a non-lethal AI system causes damage, harm or even death?
Could politicians and scientists in the future be charged with “climate negligence”? Julie G/Flickr

Will the climate debate end up being fought in court?

Society generally has a clear idea of what constitutes a crime, and those in positions of power are usually held to very high standards. Politicians charged with making decisions on the needs of society…

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