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Ethics + Religion – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 401 - 425 of 1680 articles

Brain-computer interfaces raise many ethical questions about how and whether they should be used for certain applications. Wenjin Chen/DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images

Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science

From warfare to entertainment and VR, brain-computer interface development has extended beyond prosthetics for patients with disabilities. Missing is full ethical consideration of the consequences.
The Catholic hymn, “Te Deum” – which says, “You, God, we praise” – has been used for centuries in Catholic worship for thanksgiving. Iconotheca Valvasoriana Author Jean Marot via Wikimedia Commons.

How medieval Catholic traditions of thanksgiving prayers and feasting shaped the Protestant celebration of Plymouth’s pilgrims

The Pilgrims who started the first Thanksgiving tradition after they landed in Plymouth were following the customs they had grown up with, originating in medieval times.
The vast majority of Buddhists in historical and contemporary times have been followers of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Fred de Noyelle / Godong/Stone via Getty Images

What is Mahāyāna Buddhism? A scholar of Buddhism explains

The Mahāyāna branch of Buddhism likely emerged around the first centuries A.D. and was most readily carried through the Silk Road and maritime trade routes.