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Ethics + Religion – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 476 - 500 of 1680 articles

Jewish deportees march through the German town of Würzburg to the railroad station on April 25, 1942. US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration

Unknown Holocaust photos – found in attics and archives – are helping researchers recover lost stories and providing a tool against denial

Holocaust scholars long relied on documents and survivor testimonies to help reconstruct the history of that tragic event. Now, they’re turning to wordless witnesses to learn more: pictures.
People gather at a vigil pray and observe a moment of silence after an attack on author Salman Rushdie on Aug. 12, 2022, in Chautauqua, New York. AP Photo/Joshua Goodman

What is a fatwa? A religious studies professor explains

The attack on Salman Rushdie promptly led to speculation on whether the attacker had been influenced by the 1989 fatwa against the author. A scholar explains what a fatwa is, and isn’t.
Muslim refugees sit on the roof of an overcrowded coach railway train near New Delhi, trying to leave India after the 1947 Partition. AP Photo

5 books and films that tell the story of the trauma of the Partition of India and its aftermath

On the 75th anniversary of India’s partition, scholars from the US, Canada, France, UK and Australia write about their favorite book or film that best explains the trauma of a violent division.
Demonstrators stand off with officers July 3, 2022, in Akron, Ohio, as they protest the killing of Jayland Walker, shot by police. Matthew Hatcher/AFP via Getty Images

College requirements for police forces can save Black lives, but at what cost?

New research on police departments across the country reveals a significant link between the use of fatal force and college education – the more educated are less likely to use it.
Leaders in New Delhi agree on the plan to partition India: From left, Jawaharlal Nehru, Hastings Ismay, Louis Mountbatten and Ali Jinnah. Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images

75 years ago, Britain’s plan for Pakistani and Indian independence left unresolved conflicts on both sides – especially when it comes to Kashmir

The fate of the so-called princely states was a particularly contentious issue during India’s Partition, which killed about 1 million people and left millions more displaced.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during the 2022 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons at the United Nations on Aug. 1, 2022. Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images

Why are nuclear weapons so hard to get rid of? Because they’re tied up in nuclear countries’ sense of right and wrong

Policymakers often think of their decisions about nuclear weapons as moral, a nuclear ethicist explains – which is key to understanding their motives.