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The NFL joins the Age of Metrics. Chart with field via

The NFL joins the data revolution in sports

With chips embedded in footballs in Thursday night games, the NFL is moving toward a data-driven future. How will fans, media and teams benefit?
Protesters call for the arrest of an officer who shot dead unarmed motorist Terence Crutcher. REUTERS/Nick Oxford

Police shootings and race in America: Five essential reads

Protests erupted against the killing of black men by police in Tulsa and Charlotte. This roundup looks at research on racial violence and explains where there might be potential solutions.
Experiment design affects the quality of the results. IAEA Seibersdorf Historical Images

Why isn’t science better? Look at career incentives

Embracing more rigorous scientific methods would mean getting science right more often than we currently do. But the way we value and reward scientists makes this a challenge.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gestures to supporters as he departs a Sept. 13 campaign rally in Clive, Iowa. Mike Segar/Reuters

The rise of a conspiracy candidate

The same forces that drive belief in conspiracy theories are the ones driving the rise of Donald Trump. So it’s no wonder that, less than two months until the election, he continues to dabble in and promote them.
What can ‘Snowden’ teach us about cybersecurity? Jürgen Olczyk/Open Road Films

‘Snowden,’ a picture of the cybersecurity state

The new movie about the NSA leaker is a new way for the public to learn about government surveillance, communications technology and privacy. How well does it prepare the public for that discussion?
County officials gear up to hand-spray mosquitoes in San Diego. REUTERS/Earnie Grafton

How Congress is failing on Zika

Congress has failed three times to approve spending to stop the spread of Zika. Their long-term response isn’t much better.