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What are the differences between planned assisted childbirth with midwife at home versus delivery with obstetrician at a hospital? M-SUR/

Home birth may start babies off with health-promoting microbes

Evidence suggests that microbes play a vital role in health. But what microbes we get depends whether we were born in a hospital versus at home. That could impact our health decades later.
A new Trump ruling will prohibit virtually all Central American migrants from seeking asylum in the United States. AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

The Bible says to welcome refugees

Scripture strongly and unequivocally affirms the obligation to treat strangers with dignity and hospitality, says a Christian scholar who turns to the Bible for guidance on Trump’s immigration policy.
Research is mixed about whether children lose learning during summer break. Monkey Business Images/

5 things parents need to know about ‘summer loss’

While many studies and news articles say children lose academically over the summer break, a researcher says the worries are exaggerated.
Mars should be the next destination for humankind. Gorodenkoff/

Young Americans deserve a 21st-century Moonshot to Mars

Americans need a new multi-decade Moonshot that will inspire several generations to shoot for the stars and pursue careers in space engineering and exploration.
Behrouz Kamalvandi, left, spokesman for Iran’s atomic energy agency, listens to a man wearing a surgical mask, an official with the Ahmadi Roshan nuclear site in Natanz, Iran, during a news conference on May 20, 2019. IRIB News Agency via AP

What is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? Here’s why it’s still important

Nearly 50 years old, the treaty has been signed by 190 countries – more than any other arms limitation treaty. But now Iran is threatening to withdraw.
Lithium-ion batteries power lots of different kinds of devices. Transport Canada

How do lithium-ion batteries work?

The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry rewarded crucial advances in these small, powerful, easy to charge batteries.
For now, it’s going to be trickier for the University of California community to access some academic journals. Michelle/Flickr

University of California’s showdown with the biggest academic publisher aims to change scholarly publishing for good

The UC libraries let their Elsevier journal subscriptions lapse and now the publisher has cut their online access. It’s a painful milestone in the fight UC hopes may transform how journals get paid.
Fifty years ago, on July 20, 1969, humans stepped onto another celestial body and into history. NASA

Mapping the Moon for Apollo

The first humans to land on the Moon, and the team that got them there, get all the glory. But what about the people who laid the foundation for this effort by mapping the Moon? Who were they?