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Psychedelics have been the subject of a recent surge of interest in their potential therapeutic effects. metamorworks/iStock via Getty Images

AI maps psychedelic ‘trip’ experiences to regions of the brain – opening new route to psychiatric treatments

Pinpointing the molecular targets behind the subjective effects of psychedelic drugs could help clinicians and researchers better treat psychiatric conditions.
A team of German pilots wrote “Stop the War” in the sky above Mainz, Germany, on March 9, 2022. Frank Rumpenhorst/picture alliance via Getty Images

Ukraine wants a no-fly zone. What does this mean, and would one make any sense in this war?

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has asked the US to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Doing so in this kind of international conflict would be unprecedented and might not make sense.
En el metaverso, los objetos digitales que se pueden poseer - tu avatar y la ropa del avatar, por ejemplo - son ‘criptoactivos’. Duncan Rawlinson -

El metaverso es dinero y las criptos reinan: por qué estarás en blockchain cuando saltes al mundo virtual

¿Blockchain? ¿Criptoactivos? Dos investigadores que estudian las redes sociales y la tecnología de los medios de comunicación explican la tecnología que hará posible el metaverso.
Ragweed pollen, instigator of headaches and itchy eyes across the U.S. Bob Sacha/Corbis Documentary via Getty Images

Pollen season is getting longer and more intense with climate change – here’s what allergy sufferers can expect in the future

Rising temperatures mean longer, earlier pollen seasons, but the bigger problem is what carbon dioxide will do to the amount of pollen being released. A 200% increase is possible this century.
Physical therapy – which can include small jumps, stretches, massage, heat therapy and even water exercises – can help manage arthritis in dogs. Manu Vega/Monument via Getty Images

For dogs with arthritis, daily activities don’t have to be painful

Since canine arthritis can’t be cured, the goal of treatment in dogs is to reduce inflammation to increase comfort and improve a dog’s quality of life.