Endemic to Madagascar, voatsiperifery is one of the secrets of the world’s top chefs. But it has to be grown in a way that preserves its environment and guarantees producers a fair income.
Tracking both the amount of carbon and the time that it remains stored is key to unlocking the potential of nature-based carbon storage as a climate mitigation strategy.
Are the eggs you’re buying this Easter good for cocoa farmers, kids and the Earth – or actually doing harm? Our 2022 scorecard of the big brands can help you buy better than before.
Reforestation programmes should consider the parasitic relationship between mistletoes and their hosts and their ecological benefits for bird diversity.
Blackwood’s main claim to fame is its magnificent dark and durable timber. But let me introduce you to the tree, a stunning wattle with Christmas-green foliage.
Inserting electrodes into insects helps scientists understand what attracts these insects – and, stemming from that, how to trap them and protect crops.
Indonesian peatlands are important to many people: farmers, bureaucrats, businesspeople, and conservationists. But preserving this value for everyone will mean listening to everyone’s concerns.
Senior Coffee and Cocoa Agroforestry Scientist from CIRAD seconded to the, Center for International Forestry Research – World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)