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Articles on Antenatal care

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Antenatal care enables the early detection of maternal and fetal conditions. So why are pregnant women delaying their checks? Shutterstock

Two in five pregnant women don’t receive care in the first trimester

Teenagers, unmarried women and migrants are among those missing out on antenatal care in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, according to new Australian research.
In rural Malawi traditional leaders have played an important role in persuading men to get involved in women’s health. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

When men tackle mother and child health: lessons from Malawi

A study in Malawi shows how the participation of local community leaders in policy development can change men’s attitudes to maternal and child health for the better.
Women should attend antenatal clinics in the first trimester of their pregnancies and regularly thereafter to avoid complications during childbirth. Shutterstock

Why mothers aren’t accessing antenatal care early in their pregnancies

Early antenatal care allows for early detection of HIV, a contributor to maternal mortality, as well as the treatment of other potentially life-threatening conditions associated with pregnancy.

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