Vaalaa / Shutterstock
Defending planes against running into birds is vitally important – and high-speed dead chickens play a surprising role.
Bird stickers are used to deter collisions with a glass wall in Korea.
Ki Young/Shutterstock
By adding stickers to glass walls and dimming lights, cities can be safer places for migrating birds.
Ian Dyball/Shutterstock
Black turbine blades seem to reduce bird collisions, but it’s important to know why.
These birds were killed by flying into a set of surveyed buildings in Washington DC in 2013.
USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab/Flickr
The tall buildings of our cities kill horrifying numbers of birds. But some cities are adopting mandatory design measures to cut the toll.
Australian magpies are clever enough to tailor their risk-avoidance behaviours to different locations.
Gail Hampshire/Wikimedia Commons
Magpies living near airports are less likely to flee from the sound of passing planes, new research shows. But it’s unclear whether this makes them more or less likely to actually get hit.