Julius A. Amin
Professor of History, University of Dayton
Cheryl Hendricks
Executive director, Africa Institute of South Africa, Human Sciences Research Council
David E Kiwuwa
Associate Professor of International Studies, University of Nottingham
Roxana Willis
British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Criminology and a JRF in Law, University of Oxford
Laura-Stella Enonchong
Senior Lecturer in Law, SOAS, University of London
Henry Ngenyam Bang
Disaster Management Scholar, Researcher and Educator, Bournemouth University
James Angove
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Oxford
Lynn Cockburn
Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto
Soomin Lee
Research Student, University of Toronto
Julius T. Nganji
Adjunct Lecturer, University of Toronto
Gabriel Ngah Kiven
PhD candidate in Political Studies at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Johannesburg
Afa’anwi Ma’abo Che
Assistant Professor, International Studies, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University