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Articles on Children in care

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Without supportive adults, teenagers who have long lived in care often struggle in terms of mental health and wellbeing. tommaso altamura / Alamy Stock Photo

New laws in England will leave 16-year-olds living alone

Teenagers transitioning from long-term care to independent adulthood need to be looked after. Their health, wellbeing, education and their safety are at risk
The system of ‘birth alerts’ across Canada perpetuates the removal of children from Indigenous families begun by residential schools. Pictured here: a historical report on residential schools released by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck)

British Columbia’s ban on ‘birth alerts:’ A guiding light on the road to reconciliation

To make meaningful progress on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action, all provinces and territories should promptly follow B.C. and ban discriminatory ‘birth alerts.’

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