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Articles on climate risk

Displaying 1 - 20 of 60 articles

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions has released guidelines for financial institutions to address climate change risks. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

OSFI’s new guidelines: A step toward making banks and insurers more conscious of their climate impacts

OSFI’s guidelines are a small step towards making financial decision-makers more conscious of their influence on climate outcomes, but there is still work to be done.
Several countries, including Bangladesh, are facing increasing flooding as sea levels rise. AP Photo/Mahmud Hossain Opu

Wealthy countries still haven’t met their $100 billion pledge to help poor countries face climate change, and the risks are rising

The damage from storms, droughts and sea level rise is in the news almost daily. Some money is flowing to help poor countries, but what isn’t clear is how much impact the funds are having.
Banks around the world are evaluating the potential impact of climate change and government regulation on their lending practices. Energy-intensive sectors, like coal and oil, tend to suffer most. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)

What is a climate stress test? A sustainable finance expert explains

Regulators, banks and policy-makers use stress tests to uncover weak points in how financial institutions operate and identify changes that will help buffer them from harm.
Wildfire smoke contains a mixture of toxic pollutants that can be harmful to both the lungs and the brain. Bloomberg Creative/ Bloomberg Creative Photos via Getty Images

Neurotoxins in the environment are damaging human brain health – and more frequent fires and floods may make the problem worse

Pollution from more frequent floods and wildfires – exacerbated by the warming climate – is threatening human health and poses particular risks to the brain.

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