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Articles on Clitoral orgasm

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Contrary to toxic myths and cliché, feminist women are enjoying pleasurable sex lives. (Shutterstock)

Do feminists have better sex? Yes, they do

Research shows that feminist women are more likely to have sex that is more loving and pleasurable.
Women and their doctors need to communicate about potential sexual side effects from procedures that involve the cervix. RacheeLynn/

The cervix is sensitive, and surgeons need to acknowledge the part it plays in some women’s pleasure

Sexual health experts say it’s a misconception that the cervix is insensitive, which can have implications for some medical procedures.
Our culture tells women there’s something wrong with them if they don’t orgasm. Gustavo Gomes/Flickr

Female sexual dysfunction or not knowing how to ask for what feels good?

The recently published Italian study suggesting women can only have clitoral, rather than vaginal, orgasms raises important questions about the medicalisation of female sexuality and sexual dysfunction…
Most women are just happy to have an orgasm, any old way. Ares Tavolazzi/Flickr

Health Check: clash of the orgasms, clitoral vs vaginal

Controversy over vaginal versus clitoral orgasm is nothing new; it’s a debate that has consumed sexologists and psychoanalysts for the last 100 years. Now, new research has added fresh fuel to the controversy…

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