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Articles on Competition law

Displaying 21 - 40 of 60 articles

Mark Zuckerberg has been meeting with lawmakers in Washington, DC. Shawn Thew/EPA

The fightback against Facebook is getting stronger

Mark Zuckerberg’s recent meetings with US lawmakers suggests his company is worried about the growing number of investigations, regulations and fines it faces.
A Supreme Court of Canada ruling has triggered long-dormant provisions in the Competition Act that make preventing monopolies more difficult, especially in vulnerable media industries. (Bank Phrom/Unsplash)

Supreme Court ruling makes need for Competition Act reform urgent

The Supreme Court of Canada’s 2015 decision to allow a hazardous waste monopoly in B.C. gave life to long-dormant provisions in the Competition Act that make preventing monopolies more difficult.
Australians should be able to do more than just access and transfer their own consumer data.

Data availability report presents compromised rights for consumers

The Productivity Commission’s report on data availability and use is disappointing for consumers, who won’t be able to stop firms collecting their data or challenge automated decisions made using it.

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