Employees are often unsettled by change in their organisations. Shutterstock June 8, 2017 Major change at work can trigger loss and grief. Organisations must accept this Mias de Klerk, Stellenbosch University Many large scale organisational changes end up as failures most of the time employers are blamed for being resistant to change. This may be convenient, but it doesn’t deal with the real issues.
Google: no longer just a search engine. mwichary/flickr August 12, 2015 Google becomes Alphabet in effort to keep the innovative spark alive Bill Buchanan, Edinburgh Napier University Google has become a technology giant, but it’s trying to keep its small-company ethos alive.
It will take more than a major round of redundancies to save Malaysia Airlines. Fazray Ismail/EPA/AAP June 4, 2015 The Terminator as boss: why mass sackings don’t work John Rice, University of New England and Nigel Martin, Australian National University Malaysia Airlines is letting go 6,000 staff as it seeks to turn around its fortunes. But research shows downsizing on this scale doesn’t usually work.