Meg Holden
Professor, Urban Studies and Professor of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University
Maddy Power
Research Fellow in the Department of Health Sciences, University of York
Kit Colliver
Research Associate at York Law School, University of York
Jan Mutchler
Professor, Department of Gerontology, McCormack Graduate School Director, Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging, Gerontology Institute, UMass Boston
Jeffrey Kucik
Global Fellow at the Wahba Institute for Strategic Competition, Associate Professor at the University of Arizona, University of Arizona
Yushu Zhu
Assistant Professor, Urban Studies and Public Policy, Simon Fraser University
Gábor Scheiring
Professor of comparitive politics, Georgetown University
Amy Barnes
Senior Researcher, Public Health and Society, University of York
Don Leonard
Assistant Professor of Practice in City and Regional Planning, The Ohio State University
Dorin Vaez Mahdavi
Master's Student, Urban Studies Program, Simon Fraser University