Tom Gordon
PhD candidate. Sydney University Physics Education Research (SUPER) group, University of Sydney
Amy C. Chambers
Senior Lecturer in Film Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University
John Bergeron
Emeritus Robert Reford Professor and Professor of Medicine, McGill University
Kathryn Ross
Associate lecturer, Curtin University
Andrei Cimpian
Professor of Psychology, New York University
Jilana Boston
Ph.D. Student in Cognitive Development, New York University
Karen Lamb
Biostatistician, The University of Melbourne
Ana Vila Concejo
Associate professor, University of Sydney
George Adamson
Senior Lecturer in Geography, King's College London
Tanya Latty
Associate professor, University of Sydney
Hannah Power
Associate Professor in Coastal and Marine Science, University of Newcastle
Jessica Kasza
Senior lecturer, Monash University
Shari L Gallop
Service Leader - Coastal, University of Waikato
Sarah Hamylton
Associate professor, University of Wollongong
Alice Richardson
Associate professor, Australian National University