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Articles on Financial stability

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A South African street vendor awaits customers. The country has some of the highest inequality in the world. Mujahid Safodien/AFP via Getty Images

A basic income grant for South Africa: more money in poor people’s pockets, but at a heavy cost

An unfunded expansion of the social transfer system could lead to even worse economic outcomes — the medicine should not be worse than the disease.
The RBA argues that it needs to balance financial stability risks against the need to stimulate the economy through lower interest rates. But this has left inflation running below its target range. DARREN ENGLAND/AAP

The RBA’s shift to worrying about financial stability could be hurting Australian wages

If the RBA continues to sacrifice its inflation target on the altar of financial stability risks, inflation expectations and our wages growth will continue to languish.
Slow wage growth is leading to over-indebtedness among those that can afford hosues. shutterstock

Increasing wages would make the Australian economy safer

Low wage growth isn’t just bad for households - it’s also bad for the overall economy. Research shows that increasing wages would take some of the risk out of the housing sector.

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