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Articles on Foreign Affairs

Displaying 21 - 40 of 119 articles

Scott Morrison has heavily promoted his government’s ‘Pacific Step Up’, but it hasn’t invested the requisite funds to support the initiative diplomatically. Darren England/AAP

Australia is spending less on diplomacy than ever before – and its influence is suffering as a result

New research shows that funding for DFAT has hit a new low of 1.3% of the federal budget. Scaling back has a real effect on Australia’s influence around the world.
The government briefed Indonesia before the Prime Minister outlined the new Australian policy in a speech in Sydney on Saturday. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Government hopes Jerusalem compromise will smooth Indonesian trade deal

Morrison announced a compromise position that recognises West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital but does not move Australia’s embassy there until a peace settlement determines Jerusalem’s final status.
The free trade agreement with Indonesia, which Australia originally. hoped would be signed this week when Morrison was in Singapore for the start of the summit season, has become hostage to the embassy decision. Mick Tskias/AAP

Grattan on Friday: Morrison government brings back memories of McMahon days

The fundamental point is that those were desperate days for the Coalition and so are these. “McMahon was in survival mode,” says author Patrick Mullins. The same could be said of Morrison.
Fullilove suggests the time will come when Trump will put the Australian government on the spot. Christian Hartmann/EPA

Prepare to be forthright with Trump: Michael Fullilove

In a speech titled “After the Midterms” Fullilove warns Australia may need to increase its defence spending beyond the present commitment and urges the government to reverse some of its cuts to aid.

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