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Articles on International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)

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German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier with Tanzanian president Samia Suluhu Hassan in October 2023. Bernd von Jutrczenka/picture alliance via Getty Images

300,000 Tanzanians were killed by Germany during the Maji-Maji uprising – it was genocide and should be called that

The evidence suggests that atrocities committed against civilians and communities were indeed intended to destroy an identifiable group.
The New Times of Rwanda announces the arrest of Felicien Kabuga in France, on May 16 2020, where he was living under a false identity. Simon Wohlfahrt/AFP

Rwanda: what’s at stake in the trial of Félicien Kabuga

Kabuga’s arrest marks the beginning of a long legal process in which the prosecution faces numerous challenges.

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