There is a need to educate Nigerians on the difference between the digital representation of cash deposits in bank accounts and the eNaira in digital wallets.
Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP via Getty Images
Nigeria can pull off its newly introduced digital currency but there are concerns that must be addressed for its smooth operations.
Cellphones are everywhere in Africa - but that doesn’t mean the digital divide is closing.
Legnan Koula/EPA
We don’t have the data in developing countries, and in global statistics to know if the digital divide is being closed.
John Magufuli after he was declared president in 2015. His distaste for social media has heralded a national clampdown in the digital space.
The biggest cyber security concern for many Tanzanians is the risk of inadvertently becoming a perpetrator of politically-defined cybercrime, rather than becoming a victim
Most South Africans are dependent on unaffordable mobile data to access the Internet.
Indra de Lanerolle
It is time to demand the ‘positive right’ of affordable access if we want internet freedom for all.