The internet is increasingly necessary to participate in everyday life. Empowering communities to build and maintain their own broadband networks can provide much-needed access.
Every state is poised to receive a large amount of federal money to expand broadband access, but they have a lot of work to do to meet the government’s requirements for distributing it.
It’s hard to remember life before Google, when the closest thing to it was your local librarian. Soon the search engine will be offering AI-based summaries in its search results.
The Kremlin is pushing for a quick migration of all Russian websites and services to be hosted within the country. It could be the first stage of a larger disconnection effort.
States have widely different track records on expanding broadband internet access. Here are the ones that could struggle to handle the federal funds coming their way.
Technology has played a key role for both sides engaged in the conflict. So what would happen if Myanmar’s military shut down all communication to the outside?
Your mobile internet bandwidth is shared with others in your area. That’s why many people trying to access the iternet at the same time results in slower speeds.