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Articles on Intervention

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Different climate policies will work in different places, communities and contexts, so new research that highlights the nuances could be a vital tool. Jacob_09/Shutterstock

How psychology can help people live more climate-friendly lives – lessons from around the world

Insight from one of the largest experiments ever conducted in climate change psychology sheds light on how people could make more effective decisions about their lifestyle and also wider policies.
School shootings are tragic, but parents, students and school staff can take steps to prevent them, researchers report. AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

3 ways to prevent school shootings, based on research

Much of the public discussion on preventing school shootings is about whether and how to limit people’s access to firearms. But other strategies can reduce the risk for violence.
Humanitarians no more? EPA/Andy Rain

Standing up to Russia sinks any humanitarian role for NATO

After the NATO-led interventions in Kosovo and Libya, many commentators argued that the Responsibility to Protect, the fashionable name for humanitarian military intervention, had finally become an established…

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