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Articles on Jacob Zuma

Displaying 361 - 380 of 478 articles

South African President Jacob Zuma just escaped a bid by some of his senior colleagues in the governing ANC to remove him. REUTERS/Rogan Ward

The South African economy will be bolstered if Zuma falls

The South African economy stands to benefit if the country’s president steps aside because he has had a destructive economic impact.
South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma is part of a faction which embraces patronage politics. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Economic exclusion feeds the politics of patronage in South Africa

It is common to reduce the politics of the ANC to a battle between personalities. A closer look suggest that this is a fight between two factions, both of them products of trends in the economy.
Children pump water at communal tap in Durban, South Africa. The country is facing a mounting water infrastructure challenge. REUTERS/Rogan Ward

South Africa’s water sector: a case study in state capture

Massive state capture activity is taking place in the South African water sector under the guise of radical economic transformation, threatening financial sustainability and water supply.
South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma. His supporters within the African National Congress continue to hold sway, for now. EPA/Aaron Ufumeli

Zuma lives to fight another day. But fallout from latest revolt will live on

A revolt within the African National Congress against South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma has reached new heights. He has survived, but the repercussions will be felt for some time to come.
Demands to recall South African President Jacob Zuma reached a climax at the governing ANC’s national executive meeting. EPA/Kim Ludbrook

A new centre of power through mass mobilisation is needed in South Africa

There are early signs of the emergence of a third force for good in South Africa in the likes of the Save SA movement and Socio-Economic Future of South Africa convened by the Archbishop of Cape Town.
South Africa’s Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan is fighting to stave off a downgrade by ratings agencies. Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters

South Africa is skating on thin ice as rating agencies weigh their options

South Africa has made some progress in fixing problems identified by ratings agencies. But there are a number of outstanding issues that might mean the country is given ‘junk’ status.
Former South African president Thabo Mbeki at May Day celebrations in 2003. He failed to challenge a decision by the ANC to recall him in 2008. EPA

Thabo Mbeki undermined South Africa’s constitution by putting his party first

Former South Africa’s President, Thab Mbeki, has made a remarkable intervention that condemns parliament’s failure to act against President Jacob Zuma. But he is eight years too late.
Uhuru Kenyatta, then Kenya’s Finance Minister (rear) appears at the International Criminal Court in 2011. Kenyatta, now President and off the hook, is weighing his country’s options. Reuters/Bas Czerwinski

What’s at stake as Kenya weighs withdrawal from the ICC

It is a question of when, not whether, Kenya will pull out of the ICC. But it is also clear that there is some incentive for Nairobi not to withdraw immediately
The criminal case against South African finance minister Pravin Gordhan, right, is an example of President Jacob Zuma’s abuse of state institutions. GCIS

How Zuma has used the capture of South Africa’s state institutions to stay in power

The use of the prosecuting authority and the police in ANC succession struggles has a long history. What’s different in the Zuma era is the symbiosis between elite police and the prosecution service.
South African President Jacob Zuma. What next? Reuters/Philimon Bulawayo

Zuma and ANC run out of road as bad news piles up

South African President Jacob Zuma’s days of spinning out court cases indefinitely and at taxpayers’ expense may soon come to an end – possibly his worst news in a week of bad news.

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