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Articles on Jacob Zuma

Displaying 381 - 400 of 478 articles

South Africa and Ethiopia are part of a wave of protests sweeping across parts of Africa that are known as Africa Uprising. Reuters/Tiksa Negeri

The death knell of Zuma’s rule echoes transitions elsewhere in Africa

The growing revolt against South Africa’s president, amid state capture allegations, is not an isolated event, but part of a much wider pan-African uprising led by the continent’s disaffected youth.
Protestors call for the removal of South Africa President Jacob Zuma outside court in Pretoria, the capital city. Mike Hutchings/Reuters

Tide begins to turn against South Africa’s president and his supporters

For the moment President Zuma’s supporters control the governing ANC’s levers of power. But an unprecedented number of people in the ANC are turning against him. How long will the centre hold?
A defiant student sits in the middle of a road after a crowd was dispersed during a protest over fees to parliament on the occasion of finance minister Pravin Gordhan presenting his medium-term budget. Nic Bothma/EPA

South Africa’s finance minister juggles both the books and the politics

South African finance minister Pravin Gordhan’s medium-term budget speech was a lot about balancing the politics of a divided ruling ANC.
Presidents Jacob Zuma and Uhuru Kenyatta. Their countries are at the forefront of efforts to have Africa leave the ICC. GCIS

Exiting the ICC: South Africa betrays the world and its own history

Ironically the campaign to withdraw from the ICC was mainly initiated by the very same governments and heads of state that had earlier referred cases to the ICC when it suited their own interests.
South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma (right) and Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa. The jury is out on whether Ramaphosa will break ranks. Mike Hutchings/Reuters

Prexit: as South Africa looks over the abyss who will blink?

The stakes have not been higher since the heady days of the early 1990s when South Africa also looked over the brink. Now it is less about brink and more about who will blink
Protesters call for the removal of South African President Jacob Zuma. Civil society has a major role to play in South Africa. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

South Africa’s economy will be stuck unless there’s new political alignment

South Africa’s ruling party has lost its moral and intellectual capacity to claim the mantle of leadership. The country’s economy won’t recover unless new political alignments emerge.
Former Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan. He left the job after concerted political attacks. Reuters/Shailesh Andrade

Reserve Bank independence: sobering lessons from India and South Africa

Attacks on the South African Reserve Bank and events in India that led to the exit of the governor of the country’s central bank are a warning that banks aren’t immune from political meddling.
A power utility is considered a key asset for a development state. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Will the ANC turn South Africa into a developmental welfare state?

The prevailing political fights over control of state-owned enterprises in South Africa has the potential to have a deep impact on the economy, and the quality and direction of the development state.

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