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Articles on Leaders debate

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After much back-and-forth over the logistics of the third debate, Shorten and Morrison finally faced off at the National Press Club, moderated by Sabra Lane. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Shorten and Morrison make their final cases in third leaders’ debate: our experts respond

No gaffes, no real surprises – the third leaders’ debate was a fairly predictable affair, save for the testy conclusion
Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten ahead of the People’s Forum debate in Brisbane on Friday. Gary Ramage

View from The Hill: Bill Shorten at ease in town hall-type forum

Inevitably much of the discussion and many of the clashes focused on money and tax – the conflicting arguments have been well rehearsed throughout the campaign.
A live audience of 30 from marginal seats gave Bill Shorten the marks by 17 to seven. Lukas Coch/AAP

Shorten plays Facebook game, telling people to hit Like

The innovative online debate was a livelier affair than the turn-off one at the National Press Club earlier in the campaign, though not a big moment of the campaign. It was Bill Shorten who was the nimbler…
In the early days of federal debates – which started in the 1980s – the public attention was much greater than now. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Turnbull proposes an election debate ‘in the media of our time’

Amid general agreement that the National Press Club leaders’ debate was a turnoff, literally, Malcolm Turnbull has decided to be Mr Digital Man and organise things his way. The government has negotiated…
In the Sunday debate, Malcolm Turnbull assumed a loftier pitch while Bill Shorten aimed more directly at ordinary people. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Both leaders failed to engage properly with the occasion or the public

Sunday night’s leaders debate was a disappointment. Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten were over-rehearsed; the content was old ground; the spontaneity was minimal. When a question was too hard they simply…
Who took the points in the first leaders’ debate of the 2016 campaign? AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Turnbull and Shorten face off in leaders’ debate: experts respond

The Conversation’s experts respond to the first Turnbull-Shorten debate with an eye across key policy areas and the leaders’ performances.

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