Anopheles gambiae complex mosquito species can transmit malaria.
CDC/James Gathany via Wikimedia Commons
In a sense, a malaria-transmitting mosquito is a sick mosquito. This is where bacteria can help.
The anopheles gambiae mosquito transmits malaria to humans.
James Gathany/Everett Collection/Shutterstock
What we call mosquitoes are actually 3500 different types of insects, and they all behave differently.
A woman holds a baby in her arms as she sits on a bed under a mosquito net in the Koumassi district of Abidjan.
Sia Kambou/AFP via Getty Images
If not addressed, there will be many more deaths from malaria and other diseases, indirectly linked to COVID-19 disruptions.
A female Anopheles stephensi mosquito bites a human to get a blood meal through its pointed proboscis. A droplet of blood is expelled from the abdomen after having engorged itself.
Jim Gathany/Wikimedia Commons
Researchers are exploring genetic forms of population control called gene drives that spread traits faster that happens naturally. The goal is to curb mosquito-borne diseases like malaria.
A Malawian woman receives a bednet to protect her and her child from mosquitoes that spread malaria.
MSF/ Wilfred Masebo
Malaria elimination in Malawi is lagging because research isn’t being used properly.