Lucas A. Keefer
Assistant Professor in Psychology, The University of Southern Mississippi
Jillian Jordan
Ph.D. Candidate in Psychology, Yale University
Brandon Warmke
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University
Zachary K. Rothschild
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Bowdoin College
Justin Tosi
Associate Professor of Strategy, Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University, Georgetown University
Nicholas Bowman
Associate Professor of Communication Studies, West Virginia University
Theo Noseworthy
Professor of Marketing, York University, Canada
Katherine McAuliffe
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Boston College
Saeid Kermani
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Trent University
Peter Darke
Professor of Marketing, York University, Canada
Troy Campbell
Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Oregon
John Gaventa
Professor, Institute of Development Studies
Paul Deutchman
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Pennsylvania
Brandon Reich
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Portland State University
Shane Rogers
Lecturer in Psychology, Edith Cowan University