Attorney Michael Cohen was recently the target of an FBI raid. AP Photo/Mary Altaffer April 12, 2018 Lawyers keep secrets locked up – that’s why they get asked to do the dirty work Elizabeth C. Tippett, University of Oregon The president’s tweets aside, the law provides strong protections to lawyers to ensure they can keep their clients’ secrets safe.
Secret evidence can leave employees in the dark. Nicole Salow January 11, 2016 Secret evidence: coming to an employment tribunal near you Gilliane Williams, University of Brighton Sacked from your job and never told why. Is this the new normal for some workers in Britain?
British foreign secretary Anthony Eden having a confidential chat with Soviet ambassador Ivan Maisky. The Scheffer-Voskressenski family. August 21, 2015 How Moscow’s man in Westminster charmed Churchill out of Britain’s wartime secrets Gabriel Gorodetsky, University of Oxford Ivan Maisky was Russia’s ambassador to the Court of St James from 1932 to 1943. By charming his way into Britain’s inner circles he arguably passed on more secrets than the infamous Cambridge Five.