Joerg Mattes
Professor&Chair of Paediatrics | HMRI, University of Newcastle, Australia | Senior Staff Specialist Paediatric Respiratory&Sleep Medicine | John Hunter Children's Hospital, Australia, University of Newcastle
Andrew P. Haley
Associate Professor of American Cultural History, The University of Southern Mississippi
Paul Freedman
Chester D. Tripp Professor of History, Yale University
Ken Albala
Professor of History, University of the Pacific
Megan Elias
Associate Professor of the Practice of Gastronomy, Boston University
Adam Collison
Post Doctoral researcher - Experimental and Translational Respiratory Medicine Research Group, University of Newcastle
Rani Bhatia
Senior Staff Specialist in Paediatric Allergy and Immunology at John Hunter Children's Hospital Newcastle NSW Conjoint Lecturer in Paediatrics, University of Newcastle
Imogene L. Lim
Professor of Anthropology, Vancouver Island University
Ted Heindel
University Professor, Bergles Professor of Thermal Science, and Director of the Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education, Iowa State University
Edwin Kim
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics and Director of the UNC Food Allergy Initiative, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill