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Articles on Peanut allergy

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Recommendations suggest babies be introduced to food allergens around age six months. (Pixabay)

Peanuts, eggs and your baby: How to introduce food allergens during the coronavirus pandemic

Introducing food allergens early is the best way to prevent food allergies from developing. Even in a pandemic, the benefits outweigh the very small risk of a severe reaction requiring emergency care.
There’s still a lot we don’t know about why more children have food allergies today. from

Can I prevent food allergies in my kids?

Parents are now advised to introduce foods like peanut and egg to infants before one year of age.
Allergies are becoming more frequent in the western world. Al Fed/Flickr

What are allergies and why are we getting more of them?

Allergies are reactions caused by the immune system as it responds to environmental substances that are usually harmless. But we don’t yet have a cure or the ability to prevent them from developing.
Avoiding peanuts is currently the only way to prevent allergic reactions. sharyn morrow/Flickr

Peanut allergy treatment is on the horizon – but don’t drop the EpiPen yet

Rates of food allergies have increased over recent decades and are at an all-time high. While we don’t know the full extent of the allergy epidemic, the rate of hospitalisation for food allergies has quadrupled…
Allergic reactions to food have dramatically increased over the past 10 to 20 years. Dan Peled/AAP

Changes to bugs in the gut could prevent food allergies

Changing the bacteria in the gut could treat and prevent life-threatening allergies, according to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal today. “These…
The promising new therapy could free children and parents from the fear of severe allergic reactions to peanuts. BeInspiredDesigns/Flickr. Image has been cropped.

Small doses therapy shows promise for peanut allergy

Giving children and adolescents with peanut allergies small doses of the peanut protein and increasing it over time to build up tolerance could help lessen the severity of their allergic reaction, according…

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