Men will go to almost any length to increase their length. Mostly with disastrous consequences.
Understanding which changes are normal and when to seek help is important. Here’s what you need to know.
Sex isn’t just about penetration.
Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock
Women have fewer orgasms than men. But this gap is cultural, not biological. Closing it is possible, both on a societal and personal level.
Christina Paliy/Shutterstock
The clitoris is not small at all, it’s just that only 10% of the organ is actually visible.
This year, many vasectomy patients are young or single men concerned about unwanted pregnancy at a time when abortion care may not be as available as before.
Thomas Barwick/Stone via Getty Images
As more younger, single men ask for one following the Supreme Court abortion decision, a urologist explains what to expect with a vasectomy.
In ‘Minx,’ a young feminist teams up with a pornographer to launch an erotic magazine with male nude centerfolds.
HBO Max/YouTube
Often described as a sign of progressivism and gender equality, they’re neither.
Remi Lindholm.
Xinhua / Alamy Stock Photo
Finnish cross-country skier Remi Lindholm suffered from a frozen penis during the Beijing Winter Olympics.
Warnings of an end to human sperm production have been making headlines recently, now with the added threat of shrinking penises. Is this science or sensationalism?
‘Euphoria’ is one of many premium cable TV shows to feature an abundance of prosthetic penises.
Directors and audiences are becoming more comfortable with male frontal nudity. But what message does it send when almost all of the penises shown aren’t real?
Wes Mountain/The Conversation
It’s a surprisingly common question. Here’s what you need to know.
Little boy blue.
noBorders - Brayden Howie
What we thought we knew about male development since the 1950s has now been turned on its head.
Testosterone is primarily made in the testes, and creates many of the characteristics we see in adult men.
Disorders affecting penis development are among the most common birth defects seen in humans, and rates are on the rise.
POJ THEVEENUGUL / shutterstock
We have the penis of a monogamous primate yet our body sizes suggest our ancestors slept around a lot.
Many men are not actually aroused when they wake up erect.
Morning penile erections affect all males, even males in the womb and male children.
As of January 2016, Gardasil has been administered in more than 200 million doses worldwide.
The best way to prevent head and neck cancers, which are more common in men, is to get the HPV vaccine. It’s free for boys and girls aged 12 and 13.
It is reasonable to conclude that it’s more likely to be men than women who scribble dicks and balls on ballot papers.
It might be juvenile, but scribbling a dick and balls on a ballot paper actually requires some thought. And that in turn has meaning.
Most men don’t know the normal size of testes.
Men with Klinefelter’s syndrome are infertile, as the extra X chromosome affects the ability to produce sperm.