Jewish life in Canada and Argentina reflects the diversity of Jewish communities globally, and the political, social and economic evolution of each country throughout the 20th century.
Some aspects of Argentine President Javier Milei’s programme resemble the far right, but others do not. Without excluding him from this movement, we should recognize there are differences.
Milei won in 20 of the country’s 23 provinces. Tired of more than a decade of economic stagnation, Argentinians chose a radical ultra-liberal, who will need to articulate himself without losing his “anti-system” legitimacy
Senior Research Fellow at Eurac Research, Associate Research Fellow, Institute for Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), United Nations University
Professor in Law, University of Bristol. Director of the Global Chair Nebrija-Santander on Migration and Human Rights, Nebrija University, Madrid., University of Bristol