Commerce, culture and heritage mix in rather strange and sometimes unsettling ways in South Africa, especially when the struggle for freedom is commemorated.
Many South Africans have a strong personal relationship with Nelson Mandela. The planned auction felt like a transgression of the moral boundary of familial respect.
The suggestion that Mandela single-handedly achieved democracy is as intellectually threadbare as the charge that he was centrally responsible for the failure to transform South Africa.
The book shows that the claim made by some analysts that it was the fall of communism that prompted moves towards negotiations to end apartheid is off the mark.
Goldberg was the youngest Rivonia triallist. Segregated prisons meant he was sent to Pretoria, while his fellow accused were incarcerated on Robben Island.
Andimba (Herman) Toivo Ya Toivo remained loyal to what made him the personification of the desire to live in an independent country governed by, and for, its people.
Amed Kathrada’s legacy can be used as an example for a good life. South Africans will miss his unwavering courage to speak out on matters of national interest.
Marine Biologist, South African National Parks (SANParks); Honorary Research Associate, South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity