Paul Hayne
Assistant Professor of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
Gareth Dorrian
Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Space Science, University of Birmingham
Simon Lindsay
Researcher in the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester
Chris James
ARC DECRA Fellow, Centre for Hypersonics, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland
Monique McClain
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
Craig Underwood
Emeritus Professor of Spacecraft Engineering, University of Surrey
Mark Howden
Director, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions, Australian National University
Marcos Fernandez Tous
Assistant Professor of Space Studies, University of North Dakota
Keith Ryden
Professor of Space Engineering, University of Surrey
Daniel Merino
Associate Science Editor & Co-Host of The Conversation Weekly Podcast, The Conversation
Edward R. Carr
Professor and Director, International Development, Community, and Environment, Clark University
Gemma Ware
Host, The Conversation Weekly Podcast, The Conversation
Fabian Zander
Senior Research Fellow in Aerospace Engineering, University of Southern Queensland
Steffi Paladini
Professor in Business Analytics, Queen Margaret University
Balsher Singh Sidhu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia