Biobots could one day be engineered to deliver drugs and clear up arterial plaque. Kriegman et al. 2020/PNAS September 17, 2024 Biobots arise from the cells of dead organisms − pushing the boundaries of life, death and medicine Peter A Noble, University of Alabama at Birmingham and Alex Pozhitkov, Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences at City of Hope Given the right conditions, certain types of cells are able to self-assemble into new lifeforms after the organism they were once part of has died.
Michal Vitek/Shutterstock February 11, 2019 Our artificial cornea breakthrough could lead to self-assembling organs Martina Miotto, Newcastle University We developed the world’s first self-curving artificial cornea.
How do they each know what to do? Tim Nowack August 29, 2017 How do fire ants form giant rafts to survive floods? Craig Tovey, Georgia Institute of Technology Researchers identified simple behavioral rules that allow these tiny creatures to collaboratively build elaborate structures, with no one in charge.
Ready to march. Michael Rubenstein, Harvard University August 14, 2014 Thousand-robot swarm assembles itself into shapes Sabine Hauert, University of Bristol There is something magical about seeing 1,000 robots move, when humans are not operating any of them. In a new study published in Science, researchers have achieved just that. This swarm of 1,000 robots…